To my beloved daughter,
Yeah, today you are finally 2 months old. These 2 months must have been tough for you to adjust to the new environment however you have done pretty well.
At 2 months....
* you can lift up your head to about 45 degree celsius since the 3rd week of birth. What a strong neck you have!
* you can sleep better now at night with a stretch of 5-6 hours without waking. However, it is not consistent. Still being trained and getting yourself used to it.
* you are still being breastfed however occasionally when Mummy's supply is low, formula milk comes in. But this must not continue too often.
* Finally, you have started to chuckle and smile and is more responsive to us when Daddy and Mummy talk to you. We were so concerned during the first month as you did not smile and neither do you look at us or even response to our teasing and talking.
* You start to converse with us with your ahs, errs, coo, uhs, gaas and we love those cute little conversation you tried to make sense with us. They are music to our ears.
* You do not poo daily now. Only poo every two days. However, those poos you make are explosive ones and you hardly fuss or cry when your diaper is badly soiled. What great tolerance you have, but not in this way please!
* You sleep lesser now during the day and often wish to play, talk and be carried around. The radar in you will start to response with cries once it senses that Mummy is going to put you back to cot. Sigh.
* you are a great observer, you love to look around and will be attracted to lights and will stare with great amazement for a long long time.
* sometimes pacifier doesn't satisfy you and your fingers will be the next best choice for you to suckle. What delicious "drumsticks" you have! Oh well, I have to add on too that you do make loud slurping sound with those "drumsticks".
* you have pretty strong limbs and arms. You will kick and push away anything that comes your way like blankets, pillows etc. Grandma always says you are super active just like Mummy when she was a baby. At times, I will find you sleeping at another angle or end up upside down the next morning cause you kick and move so much that you are out from the original position you were before you sleep. Sigh...I guess even the cot bumper will lose its purpose soon.
Poor thing, today you got two injections by your PD and you really screamed in pain. But you were easily calmed by pacifier and fell asleep immediately. I was sad too to hear that the rash on your face was actually fungus infection called ringworm! Yucks! Isn't that suppose to be on one's foot? Mummy hopes you will recover soon!
Anyway, Happy two months old my dear! Mummy and Daddy loves you lots cause you are such an adorable girl from heaven above!
Current Mood: Bliss
Baby Evangeline's Blog
Monday, January 19, 2009
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