I thank God for the perserverance He has given me, the promises He has for me, the prayers being answered and the improvement in Evangeline's behaviour. And not forgetting my hubby who has been a super great helper. Without him helping, I would not be able to handle the intital struggles, stress faced commonly by first time mums and also the housechores and taking care of Evan.
Week 1-3
Overall, Evangeline was an easy baby and she still is. She only cries for milk and spent most of her time sleeping. She was still not responsive to us or even the mobile toys we placed before her as her focus and eyesight is not fully developed yet. It will take a while before she could see clearly the things before her. The only problem she faced was latching onto my nipple, having jaundice and blocked nose. The adorable part of her was and still is her smile when she is asleep. Yup, she only smiles and chuckles at times in her sleep. Guess the Heavenly Angels were with her then. She learned to sleep on her side which helped her to breathe better so that the mucus would not backflow. The most amazing thing about her is her ability to withstand the poo that totally soiled the diaper without crying. Therefore, I have to constantly check her diaper to see if change was needed. At week 2, she can kick vigourously, able to remove her mittens and booties by herself, refused to be swaddled and able to drink from bottle and cup withour any difficulties. I can say she is quite a fast developer in her psycho-motor skills as well.
Week 4
This week is the last week she will be at her "Mama's" house. My mum was trying to hold back her emotions as Evan has to go back to her own home and MaMa can only see her on Sundays. On the 19th Dec which was her full month, MaMa bathed her and trimmed her hair. Initially she wanted to shave her hair and eyebrows. Yup you did not hear wrongly, eyebrows!. Of course, we were protesting against the idea. I am not going to tatoo her eyebrow if they doesn't grow back. No risk to be taken. She was still feeding well however my milk supply suddenly decreased at Week 4. Not sure why it was so. My breasts were still engorged at night, thus more than enough for her but day feed was worse. Not much milk and barely able to replenish on time for her 3 hourly feeds. I felt super bad as certain feeds, I have to supplement with formula milk or the frozen breast milk which I pumped during the first 3 weeks. Sigh. Thus my pumping stopped totally as nothing much to pump after she fed. Pathetic I must say. She still slept 3 hourly after every feed and continued to smile in her sleep. The only thing that needed our patience was her cries for milk. She has no patience to wait and will scream non-stop till she gets what she wants. Milk! I must say her lungs must be super strong and well developed as her screams can collapse the whole roof down. That's my girl!
That's all I can recall. I really dun have time to keep up with blogging. I wished I could have the time and energy to jot down every little details in Evan's growth but being a full time stay at home mum and housewife, able to sit down for 5 mins to do my own thing is a luxury so is blogging. Will keep up when things are more stabilised for me. :)
Baby Evangeline's Blog
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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